Communal Directory
Birmingham Jewish Recorder
General enquiries:
Feature articles for consideration:
Snippets for consideration:
Letters for consideration:
Photos for consideration:
Jewish Representative Council of Birmingham and West Midlands
07768 761930
Birmingham Central United Synagogue 0121 440 4044
Birmingham Hebrew Congregation (incorporating the Moseley Minyan)
0121 643 0884
Birmingham Progressive Synagogue 0121 634 3888
Solihull & District Hebrew Congregation 0121 707 5199
Coventry Hebrew Congregation 0121 706 8736
Chaplaincy Board 07771 653717
Chabad Jewish Student Centre 0121 679 8815
Aish 07511 079111
Chai Cancer Care 0121 458 3800
Birmingham Chevrah Kadishah 07932 788991
Birmingham Jewish Community Care
0121 270 9966
Birmingham Jewish Housing Association (BJHA)
Representing Silverstone Court & Park Road Apartments
0121 486 1366
Community Security Trust (CST) 07973 619613
– Emergency No. 24 hours 0800 032 3263
King David School 0121 449 3364
Birmingham Lubavitch 07778 338444
Birmingham Mikve – appointments 07805 367672