Towards 2030 – BJCC’s Vision & Strategy 2023



Caring for and serving the community




Vision & Strategy 2023

BJCCis committed to ensuring that members of the Jewish & local community are able to support and care for one another.


Our vision:

A society where people support and care about one another and are able to participate to the fullest possible extent in their community.


Our purpose:

To provide outstanding advice, support and signposting to care services for people of all ages, living in the Jewish and the community.


Our 5 values:

  • Excellence – we are ambitious, professional and passionate about offering a high-quality service delivered with dedication and sensitivity.
  • Creativity – we are innovative, adaptable, welcome new ideas & believe in finding solutions that work for each individual.
  • Enabling – Working together, we actively encourage people to live meaningful lives.
  • Inclusivity- everyone involved with BJCC is important & deserves to be treated with dignity and respect.
  • Integrity – we treat people fairly and are accountable for what we do and how we do it.




A message from our Trustees

The responsibility for the future direction of B JCC lies with the Trustees. We are unpaid volunteers who have been recruited to represent all aspects of the Jewish and the wider community. The Trustees among us have skills in the law, accounting, charity management, and the caring professions. The Charity Commission expect us to hold BJCC management to account for the effective and sustainable delivery of our services to the community.


It is our job to uphold the values of the charity and to ensure that we meet the requirements of our regulator, the Care Quality Commission. We will always do this in the light of what we believe to be the long-term interests of the Jewish community, of the individuals we care for, and of the staff who work for us.


We are proud of the achievements of BJCC over its long history and we shall ensue that it continues our tradition of conscientious, caring service for as long as there is a need for our charitable activities.




Dr Barry Henley

Chair of Trustees




Our long-term Strategy



To be a key point of contact for the Jewish & local community

  • Focusing on delivering a responsive, safe and high-quality service
  • Providing outstanding, caring, and compassionate services



Ensuring people know who we are and how we can help them:

  • Improving awareness and understanding of what we do
  • Improving how we communicate with the people we support, our employees, our volunteers, and supporters.



Ensuring our services are sustainable, effective, essential and financially strong:

  • Using our resources effectively and managing costs.
  • To innovate and be proactive in our fundraising activities, maintaining the strong relationship we have with our supporters.



Working with the local community to develop services for the future:

  • Developing existing and new services to meet the changing demands of the community.
  • Working in partnership with other organisations and communities.




What Underpins our Objectives for 2023/24



  • Treating people with compassion, kindness, dignity and respect.
  • Improving the quality of our services and customer care.



  • Ensuring all our service users, employees, visitors and volunteers are protected from abuse & avoidable harm.



  • Organising services so that they meet the existing and changing needs of the people we support.
  • Ensuring our services put the individual first and at the centre of what we do.



  • Reviewing the services, we provide to ensure that we make the best use of our resources and achieve the best outcomes for service users and our workforce.



  • Ensuring that the leadership, management and governance of the charity is robust and promotes the delivery of high-quality care to the community.
  • Ensuring that our finance and fundraising strategies are clear and support our sustainability and ambitions.




Making our Strategy a Reality – key areas of work 2022/23



  • Put the right team in place to deliver our future plans.
  • Involve the people we support in developing our services.
  • Improve and sustain the health and well-being of the people we support, including our workforce and volunteers.
  • Introduce more digital solutions to manage and support our services.



  • Continue to develop opportunities and activities that enrich, enhance, and celebrate Jewish life.
  • Develop our community services to reflect changing needs and demands.
  • Maintain our partnership work with local councils, the NHS and other local support organisations.



  • Ensure we meet health and safety standards in everything we do.
  • Ensure people are aware of BJCC’s policies and procedures and these are fit for purpose.
  • Ensure all our services are COVID safe for service users, volunteers and our workforce.


  • Ensure that ACH is fully maintained and fit for purpose until the sale of the home.
  • Source a new community base for BJCC.



  • Raise our profile through robust communication strategies and ensure we explore and utilise new technology and platforms as
  • much as possible.
  • Explore opportunities in relation to changes affecting health and social care.
  • Develop our volunteering offering to build the next generation of BJCC volunteers.
  • Work in partnership with other community organisations to respond to changing needs.


Financially Strong:

  • Continue to build on our fundraising and engagement strategy with donors.
  • Develop our digital strategy.




Who we are

Birmingham Jewish Community Care (BJCC) has existed in various guises since 1828. Initially known as the Jewish Welfare Board, in the 19th century most of its work was caring for newly arrived immigrants from Eastern Europe.


As the community grew after World War I, there was an increasing need for facilities to care for the sick and the elderly. This resulted in a series of homes being acquired over the years, but as the community grew each home became too small. Finally, a purpose-built care home, Andrew Cohen House, was opened in 1993.


In 2022 BJCC took the decision to sell Andrew Cohen House, and to make the support of the Jewish and the community their focus.


BJCC is a registered Charity and is operated by a management team who report to a board of trustees, who have many years’ experience in providing services to the community.


Contact Us

Phone: 0121 458 5000





1 River Brook Drive, Birmingham, B30 2SH

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